Everything you need to know about Lights of Love

Dedicating a star
Do I have to make a donation to be able to dedicate a star?
We would be very grateful for any donation you are able to make to support hospice care at St Wilfrid’s, a minimum donation of £1 is required to dedicate a star on this webpage. If you would like to dedicate a star without making a donation then we invite you to email fundraising@stwhospice.org with the name of the person you would like to be remembered and we will be delighted to add a star decoration to the Lights of Love Tree in the hospice garden, in December.
Can I dedicate two stars?
You can dedicate as many stars as you want to. You will need to go through the dedication process for each one and will require a minimum donation of £1 per star.
Can I change the details on my star?
If you find that you need to make a change to your star then please email fundraising@stwhospice.org with your changes and your contact details and we will do what we can to help.
How long will my star be visible on the Lights of Love website?
The site will be live until the 6th January, so you can pop back at any time to see your star.
When can I see my star on the Lights of Love Tree in the hospice garden?
If you dedicate a star on the website, we will also place a star decoration on our Lights of Love Tree in the hospice garden, which will be in place from the beginning of December until the 6th January. You are welcome to visit the hospice to come and see this.
Lights of Love events
When do the Lights of Love events take place?
Thursday 3rd October at 3pm
Annual Memorial Service, inc Lights of Love for St Wilfrid’s, St John’s Church, Eastbourne, BN20 7ND
Wednesday 4th December at 7pm
St Wilfrid’s Hospice, 1 Broadwater Way, Eastbourne, BN22 9PZ
Sunday 8th December at 5pm
St Wilfrid’s Hospice, 1 Broadwater Way, Eastbourne, BN22 9PZ
Do I need to book to attend any of the events?
No, all are welcome. Simply come along and join us. Please note that seating is limited at the hospice events, so if you require a seat then you can reserve one by emailing fundraising@stwhospice.org.
The hospice is fully accessible, but if you have any questions about this or would like to advise us of any additional access needs we can help you with then please contact us on fundraising@stwhospice.org and one of the team will be happy to help you.
What happens at a Lights of Love event?
The events are led by our Patient and Family Support Team and will be a mix of appropriate music and readings. They last for approx one hour. Some people may find the events emotive, but it is a supportive and respectful environment where we are coming together to remember people we have loved and lost. We hope that it is a chance to reflect, remember and celebrate their lives and our memories of them. Please note that these are not religious services.
Other questions
Who do I contact if I have any problems dedicating my star?
Please get in touch by email – fundraising@stwhospice.org. Please include a contact telephone number and a brief outline of your technical issue. We will call you back within one working day.
Who do I contact if I have any issues with a payment I’ve made?
Please get in touch by email – fundraising@stwhospice.org. Please include a contact telephone number and brief details of your payment issue. We will call you back within one working day.
How do I find out more about St Wilfrid’s?
Please visit stwhospice.org where you will be able to find out more about what we do, the services that we offer and other fundraising events and ways to get involved with supporting local hospice care.
What will the donations from Lights of Love be used for?
By dedicating a star and choosing to make a donation you will be helping St Wilfrid’s to continue offering exceptional end of life care to the local community.
I have a different question that isn’t answered here, how do I get in contact?
Please send an email to fundraising@stwhospice.org including your telephone number and brief details of your question and one of the team will come back to you within one working day.
Remember your loved one today by dedicating a star