All of the most frequently asked questions about Starlight Stroll, answered.

About Starlight Stroll

What is Starlight Stroll?

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Starlight Stroll is St Wilfrid's Hospice's flagship event, and one of our most special occassions of the year.

The fundraising event provides our community with an opportunity to come together with others, to remember loved ones who have died, or simply to reflect on the work of the hospice, whilst raising vital funds for hospice care.

Starting at Princes Park, we'll walk along the promenade, beside the sea and head to the Italian Gardens, at Holywell. Here, you can lay a special lantern in the garden. 

This year marks 10 years of Starlight Stroll and we need your help to make it the biggest one ever! There will be some extra specila touches, to say thank you to our community who have supported the hospice and Starlight Stroll for so many years.

What date does the event take place?

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Starlight Stroll takes place on Saturday 14th September 2024.

Where does Starlight Stroll take place?

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Starlight Stroll starts at Princes Park, Eastbourne. Both the 5 mile walk and the 10 mile walk, take on routes along Eastbourne Seafront. There is a moment of reflection at the Italian Gardens, Holywell. Walkers will stroll back to Princes Park after visiting the gardens, to finish the walk and collect a medal.

What time does the event start and finish?

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Event registration will open at 4pm for the 10 mile route, and at 4.30pm for the 5 mile route.

The 10 mile route walkers will set off from Princes Park at 5pm and the 5 mile route walkers will set off at 6pm.

Depending on your walking pace, we expect walkers to complete the stroll and return back to Princes Park anywhere between 7.45pm and 9.45pm.

Upon your return to the park, all participants are welcome to stay and enjoy food and drink, and a sit down, in the event village. 

The event end time is approximately 10.30pm.

What distance is the Starlight Stroll course?

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There are two distances to choose from; 5 or 10 miles.

This year, for the special 10 year anniversary event, we have introduced a new 10 mile route for anyone wanting to take on a slightly bigger challenge.

However, we still have the traditional 5 mile route, for everyone who wants to enjoy this more achieveable distance.

What will happen on the day of the Starlight Stroll?

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Starting at Princes Park, Eastbourne, after some music and an upbeat warm-up, we'll walk along the promenade, beside the sea, heading for the beautifully lit Italian Gardens at Holywell.

The stars will be out, and you may be able to see the moon rising over the sea. Here, you can lay a special lantern in the garden to remember a loved one who is no longer with you.

Then, stroll back to Princes Park to be welcomed by some wonderful volunteers who will hand you your Starlight Stroll finisher's medal.

You're then invited to stay for supper and a cuppa', or even something fizzy, in our alfresco dining area.


How much is entry into Starlight Stroll?

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The early bird entry prices are available until 31st July, and are as follows:

Free for children under 5
£14 for everyone else (children 5 and over, and adults)

From 1st August, standard entry prices will apply, and are as follows:

Free for children under 5
£18 for everyone else (children 5 and over, and adults)

What happens once I have registered for the event?

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Once you have brought your tickets and registered, you can edit your fundraising page which will have been created for you during the registration process. Share your page with friends and family and start raising funds.

You can also create a team and invite your friends and family to join it. Fundraising in a team can be easier than fundraising individually.

Once you've registered, you'll have access to some fundraising resources within your dashboard. You'll also receive a Fundraising pack in the post from us, and emails leading up to the event, with all the information you'll need to know before the event day.

Can I create a team when I register?

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Yes. You'll be able to create a team within your dashboard, once you have brought your tickets and completed your own registration.

Once you've created your team, you can invite your friends and family to join it. You can either have an 'open' team in which anyone can search for your team and join it; or you can have a closed team in which people can only join it if you invite them to.

Fundraising in a team can be easier than fundraising individually, and it's a fun way to take part in the event and join together to support St Wilfrid's Hospice.

What do I get when I register for Starlight Stroll?

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Everyone who registers for Starlight Stroll will receive, as part of their event participation:
  • Registration letter and fundraising pack
  • The pack includes a paper lantern to decorate
  • Starlight Stroll T-shirt
  • Finisher's medal
  • A wonderful evening to remember

When does the early bird registration discount end?

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Early bird prices (£14 per person) ends on 31st July 2024.

From 1st August, the price will increase and entry will be £18 per person.

Under 5s register for free, during early bird and standard entry sign up periods.

When does registration for this event close?

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You can register for Starlight Stroll up until 11.59pm on Wednesday 11th September, unless we reach event capacity before then; in which case we will close registration early.

If we are yet to reach event capacity by 11th September, then registration will re-open again on the day of the event (Saturday 14th September), but this will be at an increased entry fee.

Can I register for the event offline, or do I have to register for the event on this website?

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We do have paper sign-up forms available, if you would prefer to register for the event in that way. 

You can find these forms in any one of the St Wilfrid's Hospice retail outlets, in the hospice building or out in various shops, coffee shops and local establishments within the St Wilfrid's Hospice catchment area.

If you need to be sent some forms in the post, please contact one of the team on 01323 434241 or fundraising@stwhospice.org, and we will send some to you.


Do I have to collect sponsorship funds to participate in Starlight Stroll?

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Starlight Stroll is a St Wilfrid's Hospice fundraising event, so we ask that participant's take part with the aim and committment to collect sponsorship and raise funds for hospice care.

Your entry fees help us to cover the costs of putting on the event; meaning that the funds you raise will help us to deliver more hospice care.

We encourage all Starlight Stroll participants to try and raise a minimum of £100, and we will give you plenty of support along the way to help you achieve this.

What support will I get to help me with my fundraising?

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We encourage all Starlight Stroll participants to try and raise a minimum of £100, and we will give you plenty of support along the way to help you achieve this.

All participants will receive encouraging emails along the way, plus a fundraising pack which will be sent in the post. Within your dashboard you'll find downloadable graphics which you can use on your social media platforms, as well as other resources to help you reach your goal.

You can contact the Events Team if you have any questions or need more fundraising support, by calling 01323 434241 or emailing fundraising@stwhospice.org.

What will the money that I raise by taking part in Starlight Stroll, help to fund?

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By taking part in Starlight Stroll and raising sponsorship funds, you will be supporting the clinical teams at St Wilfrid's Hospice to provide end of life care to people in our community who need it. You are also enabling the hospice to provide counselling support to patients and also bereavement support for people who have lost a loved one.

To find out more about what St Wilfrid's Hospice does and how the funds you raise will help, visit this page.

Can I use the fundraising page created during my registration, to carry out my fundraising?

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Yes - absoloutley! We encourage everyone taking part to use the fundraising page created for them during registration, to help them set and reach a fundraising target. You can add your own personal story, photos and updates. As you achieve different fundraising milestones, the badges on your dashboard will light up!

Can I raise money offline too?

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Yes, you can also raise funds offline with the use of a sponsorship form which will be provided in your fundraising pack. You can also download and print more sponsorship forms from your fundraising page dashboard.

You will be able to hand in your sponsorship forms and cash donations at Starlight Stroll on 14th September, or by bringing them to the hospice follwing the event.

What is the deadline for sending in my fundraising donations?

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We ask that all Starlight Stroll participants aim to send their funds raised to us by Thursday 31st October 2025. 

We will of course still accept funds given to us after this date, but so that we can announce a final total raised from Starlight Stroll in early November, it would be much appreciated if you can aim to have all funds sent in by 31st October.

Can I bring my sponsorship money with me on the day of the event?

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Yes you can. There will be a desk to drop your sponsorship money off at, on the evening before the walk begins. We highly encourage you to collect all your donations beforehand and bring them with you, on the day.

However, you can still send your donations to us after this date and up until 31st October 2024.

How can I send my offline fundraising to St Wilfrid's Hospice?

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There are a variety of ways that you can send us your offline fundraising:

Debit / credit card
  • Pay over the phone or in person (by appointment) at the hospice.
  • Please make cheque payable to St Wilfrid's Hospice Eastbourne and post or deliver to the hospice at the following address: Starlight Stroll, 1 Broadwater Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 9PZ. Please include your full name and address with your cheque to ensure that we can ackknowledge your support.

    • Please call 01323 434241 to let us know you're coming in - the fundraising team are in the hospice office Mon-Fri 9am to 5pm. Or alternatively the Welcome Point hosts in the hospice 'Street' will receipt your donation when you come in.
    Bank transfer
  •           Account number - 00810312
  •           Sort code - 20-27-91
  •           Account name- St Wilfrid's Hospice      (Eastbourne)
Email fundraising@stwhospice.org or call 01332 434241 to let us know you're doing this and give us an address ro email so that we can ackknowledge your support. Please use your surname as a reference so that we can match you with your donation.

  • stwhospice.org/donate - Make sure to include a reference to your name and Starlight Stroll, so that we can thank you properly.


What will happen if I hurt myself or become unwell at Starlight Stroll?

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We will have qualified first aiders present at the event, who will be able to provide first aid to any Starlight Stroll participant who sustains an injury whilst taking part in the event, or if they suddenly become unwell.

In the instance of any more serious of an injury, 999 will be contacted and the instance will be escalated to the emergency services.

In the case of an injury to any participant, it is always helpful for us to have an emergency contact name and number of the person you would like us to call. You will be asked for this during the registration proces, so please do provide this information.

Do I need to be physically fit to walk Starlight Stroll?

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Starlight Stroll's main purpose is to provide a time for people to come together with others in the community, to remember family, friends or colleagues who have died.

The stroll is inclusive and we want people of all abilities and fitness levels to take part.

We just ask you to make sure that you are confident you're able to walk either the 5 miles or the 10 miles, which you have chosen.

Within the event terms and conditions, you will be asked to confirm that you are of good enough health and fitness to walk either 5 or 10 miles; and that you agree to take responsibility for your own health and fitness ability, when taking part in Starlight Stroll.

What should I wear for this event?

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Every participant will receieve a Starlight Stroll T-shirt to wear on the day. There will be an opportunity to collect it from St Wilfrid's Hospice the week prior to the event, or you can pick it up on the day at the event.

You shoud wear leggings, trousers or shorts, or anything that you feel comfortable walking 5 or 10 miles in, including comfortable and practical shoes.

We encourage you to check and pay attention to the weather forecast on the days leading up to the event, and dress accordingly. Eg. bring a waterproof jacket if rain is forecast, or a cap, sunglasses and sun cream if sun and high temperatures are forecast.

What do I need to bring with me to Starlight Stroll?

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We've made a checklist of items that you may want to bring with you, to ensure you have a great experience at Starlight Stroll:
  • Your decorated paper lantern
  • Your Starlight Stroll T-shirt (unless you are collecting it at the event)
  • Some bottled water to keep you refreshed on the walk
  • Cash or card to purchase refreshments, before or after the walk
  • Card or cash to pay for face glitter before the event
  • Any offline sponsorship donations that you've collected ahead of the stroll
  • You phone camera to snap lots of photos and record your special memories
  • Your best Starlight Stroll energy!

Will I receive a medal for taking part?

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Yes, everyone who takes part in Starlight Stroll will receive a commemorative medal for taking part. 

To make sure you receive your medal, you need to return to Princes Park and cross the finish line.

Will there be any refreshments at Starlight Stroll?

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There will be food and drink available to purchase at Princes Park, before the walk starts and at the end of the walk. 

We ask everyone to bring enough bottled water with them for the duration of the walk. We will provide a small snack for every walker at the Italian Gardens.

Are dogs allowed at Starlight Stroll?

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We do allow dogs to come to the event, especially as we know that dogs are very much a part of the family. However, you mjst keep your dog on a lead at all times both in Princes Park, along the promenade walk and in the Italian Gardens.

If you know your dog is particularly anxious or potenially agressive, amongst crowds of people, then we would ask you not to bring your dog to the event.

Please be aware that you are completely responsible for your own dog at all times, and that St Wilfrid's Hospice cannot be held accountable for anything that happens to your dog, or to another person or another dog, by your dog.

You are responsible for cleaning up your dog's mess, should they go to the toilet in any of the event locations.

What happens if I forget my paper lantern on the night?

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Should you forget to bring your decordated paper lantern on the day of the event, then we will have a small number of spare undecorated lanterns at the Italian Gardens, and hopefully you will be able to have one of these to lay down in the gardens.

Will there be a photographer at Starlight Stroll?

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Yes, there will be one or more official event photographers at Starlight Stroll, who will be wearing an event lanyard with this job title.

Due to the nature of mass events, if you are attending the Starlight Stroll and are in any photos taken by an official event photographer, you should expect that these images made me used on social media after the event, and in future marketing from St Wilfrid's Hospice.

If you do not wish to be in any photos or videos taken at the event, then you must make yourself aware to one of the St Wilfrid's Hospice events team or volunteers, at the event.

More Questions?

Email our fundraising team - fundraising@stwhospice.org
or call 01323 434241